"We believe in modern economy based on our own value".

Nepal has ample of natural resources including mountains, water resources, forests, hubs, mines, and wild animals. Besides that we are also rich in terms of cultural diversity, historical places, religious spots, trail routes and humanitarian love. We have had hundreds of herbal medicines, manufacturing industries and export based economy. Nepal has also locational advantage of world's big markets i.e. China and India.

However, Nepal's trade balance is heavily negative. Productive youths are migrating abroad for study, jobs, and settlement. The brain drain problem is high. Our historical industries are shutdown. Nepal had started it's hydropower production for the first time in 1968 B.S., although we have been facing inadequate power supply. Nepal has been promoting tourism programs frequently, yet we could not capitalize it. More than 60 percent of population is in agriculture sector but contribution of agriculture to GDP is declining. Therefore, here a big question arises, why? Whether the policy that we are adopting is suitable? Are the priorities correctly defined? Are our agencies working in a right way to achieve economic goal? Are the resources allocated correctly? To figure out these questions, the Business and Economics has been initiated.

Business and economics is a common platform to discuss business and economic policies through different aspects. The research and advocacy is the core strategy to achieve our aim. We believe in teamwork and participatory contribution. The business and economics works for the business and economic policy research and policy advocacy through interacting with stakeholders including government agency, private sector, national and international agencies working with corresponding objectives.

To develop sustainable business and economic policy based on our own value.

To develop sustainable business and economic policy based on our own value for prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali by utilizing our natural resources, endogenous skills, cultural value and mutual love.

  • To conduct business and economic policy research,
  • To advocate business and economic policy for value based economy,
  • To promote natural resources, endogenous skills, cultural value and social harmony,
  • To provide common platform for policy dialogue to the economists, scholars, and young economists,
  • To conduct national and international seminar, workshop and conferences related to business, and economic issues,
  • To work collectively with individuals, private, public, national and international agencies for business, and economic policy research and advocacy.