Mr. Rajendra Maharjan, PhD Scholar
Policy Researcher

Mr. Maharjan is currently working in Beema Samiti (Insurance Regulatory Authority of Nepal) as an Assistant Director since 2015. He has  been deputed in reinsurance and research department. The major responsibility involves formulating reinsurance policy and carrying out various policy level research. Before joining to Beema Samiti Mr. Maharjan was well-established prominent figure in academic field. He taught more than a decade as a full time academician from 2003 to 2015 in different reputed colleges of Kathmandu Valley. He taught management related courses especially, specialization in finance. He was also a coauthor of few finance related books. 

In regard to his academic degree he had completed his master degree in 2003, Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) in 2015. Currently pursuing PhD in reinsurance related issues from Midwestern University, Birendranagar, Shurkhet. Besides, lecturing and working as an insurance professional Mr. Maharjan is equally active and devoted as a freelance researcher. He had published and presented more than a dozens of research articles in both national and international conferences. He had represented as a panel members in many conference and summit and shared his thoughts. He has a good command over SPSS, Eviews, STARTA. So, he would like to introduce himself as an academician cum insurance professional.